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Better Mental Health

Dec 9, 2020

Kezia Ashley Okafor, author of Flipping the Script on Infertility. Fertility mindset coach and infertility counsellor.

Kezia supports women struggling with the emotional distress and mental anguish of infertility to find calm confidence on their journey to motherhood and beyond.

We explore the challenges that conceiving can have on women’s mental health, shifting your mindset to fully believing in becoming a mother, non-negotiable positive self-talk and inclusive motherhood to improve wellbeing

0.48 - World Fertility Day Impacting 1 in 7

3.10 - Loss of Control  & Confidence

3.58 - Finding Self Compassion

5.15 - Black Women Are More Fertile - Aren’t They?

9.01 - Coming Into Motherhood

11.45 - Covid & The Infertility Narrative

13.53 - Couples, Sex & Failure

16.33 - Support Network vs Fertility Team

19.25 - Key Areas Of Focus To Improve Fertility

23.17 - Vulnerability & Removing The Barriers

28.01- Flipping The Script On Infertility


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